New parents are often taught how to feed and clothe their babies, but where do they learn how to help their children grow up to be emotionally strong and healthy? New research shows that extreme childhood adversity and prolonged stress can have serious repercussions on the brain development and long-term health of a child. The good news is that secure relationships are a protective shield for all children, no matter what their circumstances.
KET’s newest special report, Safe and Sound: Raising Emotionally Healthy Children in a Stressful World, travels across the state to show efforts to support and educate parents to be the best they can be.
Safe & Sound: Originally Aired on Monday April 21 at 9/8pm on KET. If you missed the April 21st airing, don’t worry, it will be showing again! Just click here for additional air dates.
For more information about this program and to watch a trailer, head over here.
This program was funded, in part, by a grant from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.