Brighter Futures Counseling, PLLC offers training opportunities through Brighter Futures Training & Consultation, LLC for professionals in the counseling field as well as other professionals who work with children and families. We further offer trainings to parents, community members, and other professionals on a variety of mental health topics. Training may be provided by Brighter Futures Training & Consultation, LLC members or by guest speakers that have been hand-picked to specifically speak on requested topics. Please review our available trainings below and don’t hesitate to email our office with additional questions or requests!
Please note that Brighter Futures Counseling, PLLC is no longer an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP). Individual Kentucky Board approval has been gained for each listed program–program specific continuing education approval is listed on each training page.
Kentucky Board Mandated Trainings
- KY Board Approved Suicide Training
- KY Board Approved Domestic Violence Training
- KY Board of Licensed Professional Counselors Approved Law & Ethics Couse
- Board of Licensure for Marriage and Family Therapists Approved Ethics Course
- KY Board of Social Work Approved Ethics Course
- KY Board of Social Work Approved Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma
Play Therapy Trainings
- Play Therapy 101
- Trauma Informed Play Therapy Interventions
- Sand Therapy for Beginners
- Engaging Familied Through Play Therapy
Other Mental Health Trainings
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Basics
- Practical Legal Tips for Mental Health Providers
- Trauma Informed Practice for Mental Health Professionals Working with Children and Adolescents